Driving Digital Transformation and Global IT Service Excellence

Formoney Insurance

For Money is a versatile funds transfer portal designed to simplify financial management for both companies and individuals. The platform offers a seamless experience for users, allowing them to register as individuals, companies, or even multiple companies under one account, providing flexibility for varied business needs.Key features include the ability to connect multiple bank accounts, offering a consolidated view of balances across all accounts in one place. 

Client Needs

The client requires a comprehensive financial management solution that enables both individuals and companies to seamlessly manage their funds. They need a centralized platform to connect multiple bank accounts, track balances, and monitor cash flow in real-time. Additionally, they seek automated invoicing and payment processing to streamline transactions and ensure timely bill payments. Security and ease of use are also critical, ensuring smooth financial operations within an intuitive interface.The client requires a robust financial management platform that allows individuals and businesses to handle their funds efficiently. They need a flexible registration system that supports individuals, companies, and multiple companies under a single account. 

Demo Credentials

Username: demo@formoney.com

Password:  demo@1234



Snapshot of Technology Stack









Managing multiple companies and bank accounts under one account introduces complexities in user authentication and access control, requiring a secure yet flexible permission structure. 

Ensuring real-time synchronization of bank balances across multiple institutions poses challenges related to API integration and data consistency. Automated invoice generation and tracking demand an efficient workflow system to prevent errors in financial records and missed transactions. 


Implementing a role-based access control system ensures secure and efficient management of multiple companies and accounts under one user. Real-time data synchronization is achieved through robust API integrations with banking institutions.

A streamlined workflow for invoice management and automated payment processing minimizes errors and enhances financial tracking. Advanced encryption and compliance with financial security standards safeguard sensitive data while maintaining a smooth user experience.

Next Case Studies

Formoney – Payment Getway Solution